Sunday, December 2, 2007

#3 on the A.A. bestseller list...

Dear friends,

During the month of November I was promoting my book which Aphrodite's Apples was offering at a 10% discount. Thanks to your enthusiastic response, I have just discovered that "Mile High to Heaven" has risen to the #3 position on the bestseller list...something which I consider a great achievement especially considering that this is my debut novel.

I'm stunned and elated! I cannot adequately express my gratitude for your loyal readership; and I look forward to giving you many more stories from which you can draw positive emotions and inspiration.

So the purpose of this message is simply to say...THANK YOU!

And for those of you who haven't...please join my Yahoo Group for news and updates on my writing adventures (link below) :-)

Warm Regards,

~ Angela
PS - Presently, "Mile High to Heaven" is available for download at the price of $2.99

~ Angela Guillaume ~
"Breathtaking Sensual Romance"
Yahoo Group:
"Mile High to Heaven"--Xtra hot!!!--Contemporary short available now @ Aphrodite's Apples.
To read more about it, visit:

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